The Journey through Motherhood

The Journey through Motherhood

A mother is one who cares for, and nurtures her children with the deepest love. As you embark on this journey of motherhood you are always going to wonder if you are doing it right or not. But thats what it means to be a mom! To care so much about your child that you just want to be as perfect as possible. But while you are drowning in the joy and euphoria of motherhood do take a moment to pause and reflect...

Always remember a healthy mom means a healthy baby and a happy mom means a happy baby. Do not neglect yourself in your pursuit of perfect motherhood. As a new mom your hormones are obviously imbalanced as your body adjusts to all the changes it is undergoing.

So this is the time to give great care to your diet, your nutrition, adequate rest time and & me time & in
between all the wonderful baby time. Give your body ample time to heal post delivery. Eat nutritious food, and my earnest advice is to follow the age-tested Indian traditional advice. Those recipes help your
body to heal, they also help to keep your stomach soft and they also prepare you for lactation. Always remember that breast milk is of-course the best, but you can significantly improve its quality by adding nuts, ghee, daliya, green leafy vegetables, ingredients like methi, shatavari, moringa etc and other such foods to your diet.

Tie a muslin dhoti tightly around your abdomen to help the belly go in without sagging. Moisturise your tummy with coconut oil twice a day to keep stretch marks at bay. You should start this as soon as you know you are having a baby. And most of all take out time to do things you enjoy or just take a quiet break from it all. Ensure you let the grandmothers and dads help out to let you enjoy that time. After all it takes a village to raise a baby and you must make full use of this village.

And most importantly just follow the diet handed down by your grand mothers and their mothers to them and you shall be right course...


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