Mom's Corner : Tips & Advice RSS

Becoming a new mom is a life changing experience as it is & the worry of ensuring your new born is getting all the milk & nutrition he/she needs adds to the whole situation. This is any Mama’s constant worry : Is there enough milk Is the baby taking enough milk Is the babys weight increasing Am I feeding enough Am I eating all things healthy & suitable for the baby Anything causing indigestion or colic And somehow it has been the traditional solutions used by our grandmoms & moms that have been the most natural, effective & trusted vs...

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A mother is one who cares for, and nurtures her children with the deepest love. As you embark on this journey of motherhood you are always going to wonder if you are doing it right or not. But thats what it means to be a mom! To care so much about your child that you just want to be as perfect as possible. But while you are drowning in the joy and euphoria of motherhood do take a moment to pause and reflect... Always remember a healthy mom means a healthy baby and a happy mom means a happy baby. Do not neglect yourself in...

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The birth of a child is also a birth of a mother. The new mom is learning , adjusting and adapting to what is needed by the baby. The baby’s nutrition afcourse is of paramount importance and the decision to breastfeed very personal.For those choosing the to breastfeed, the right milk supply is one of the main concerns apart from making sure the baby is latching on and getting enough milk. Some age old natural “nuskhe” as our grandmom’s , mom’s or Jappa’s would say are a must during this time. These concoctions have been passed down by mom’s through the ages to...

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